Monday, 10 October 2016

Kill Bill

                                                                      Kill Bill

At the beginning of the clip the first thing you see is a women in a medium close up shot of her face. The women in the shot looks very peaceful with in her surroundings by the way she is smiling and strolling through the room. As the clip is set in black and white colouring suggests that the film is set in a outdated period, instead of a modern setting. The women continues to stroll forward however her facial expression is shown to change, when she hears the non-diegetic sound of an instrument. From her expression and reaction she shows to hearing this sounds suggests that she recognises the sound. It also suggests that hearing that sound where she is right now is the last place she would expect to hear it. You then see a long shot of the room she is waling through. In the centre of the shot you see a door way, this could represent a door way back into a past time in her life that she is walking back into. The doorway is shown to be in very low key lighting which could suggest that what she is walking back into (her past) could be a dark place in her life.  By hearing the non-diegetic sound of music being played and sensing that the women in the clip recognises it, creates an atmosphere of mystery as you want to know the story behind the music and why it means something to her.  The way she looks around sharply suggests that she is in disbelief of what she thinks is happening. Shown in a long shot you see the women is wearing an all white outfit, suggesting purity as white is usually associated with goodness and heaven. You can also see she has a white ribbon in her hair, again reinforcing the colour white , the ribbon could represent innocence with the women.

In a low angle shot you then see a long haired old man in black clothing, this could represent how he is the evil as harsh dark colours are associated with evil and impurity. The opposite of how the women is being portrayed. The man is also the source of where the music is coming from as you can see he is playing a flute. By the women not turning around straight away when she gets outside shows that she doesn't even have to look to know who she is going to see, that she is so familiar with that sound she can tell straight away. The camera then flicks between close ups of the women and mans faces. The non-diegetic music gets faster between each close up, this creates a tense atmosphere as it builds you up expecting something to happen. Carrying on until the close up stops on the old mans face, the diegetic dialogue of the man saying "hello kiddo" suggests a close relationship between the man and women as the way he addresses her in quiet intimate and informal.

The mise-en-scène shows the surroundings in the clip to be very derelict, which makes you think the people in the clip aren't very modern with the ways they socialise and may have an old fashioned way of thinking. It also makes you wonder whether the women in the clip has purposely ostracised herself from a busy society for some reason.The old man in the clip is portrayed as being very confident and comfortable with in himself shown through his body language. The way he stands up with his head high shows that he could be a dominating character and is used to being in control, by the way he then leans against the wooden pole presents how comfortable he is in the women's company. The women is shown in a medium shot to be looking directly at the man and begin to walk slowly towards him. This presents that she is cautious of getting close to him, here shown physically but could be portraying  how in fact she is actually cautious of getting close to him emotionally.  By the way they each take in turns to take a step forward closer to each other portrays how they both have a level of respect for each other not wanting to invade the other personal space.

The camera then moves to a close up shot of the women's and man's feet. They way they are close together could symbolise a reunion between the two. The women is shown to be wearing quiet open shoes, portraying elements of her character that she is open herself which could lead her to be left vulnerable. In the clip you then see a close up side view of the women's and man's faces who are facing each other. The way the two faces are in both in focus but the background is not in focus, presents how the two characters are in a world of their own, that they are oblivious to everything around them and the only thing that matters to them is each other. The way the background is in blur also suggests that they do not fit in with their surroundings due to the way they live their lives, maybe that they are not meant to be there.

In the close up shot of their faces you can see how their faces are in line with each other and how they have direct eye contact between them, showing how they are connected through a emotional relationship. As they are looking each other in the eye gives a sense of trust. The women's body language seems to match the mans, as she is also show to present herself as confident with her head held high whilst she is speaking to him, portraying how she is his equal match.  However this changes when the man brings up another man in her life (in diegetic dialogue) , "What does your young man do for a living". Once this other man is mentioned the women's confidence seems to disappear as her head looks down pointing to the floor. This represents how maybe she is ashamed or embarrassed. It could also suggest that she feels guilty for the man in context that she shouldn't be speaking to the old man as she knows it is wrong.

In the last part of the clip you see the women quickly shut down what the mean man was saying to her presenting how she wants to keep him a secret and doesn't want her new man to find out who this person is. This suggests that the man she is marrying doesn't know her completely and that there is a part of her life he has no idea about. Which could be what her and the old man connect through as he is the only one who knows her for who she really is.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Horror Film Sequence - The Conjouring 2.

                                                Horror film sequence

The Conjouring 2

At the beginning of the opening scene you can see a very dark setting using low key lighting, already giving it a eary feeling along with the non-diegetic music in the background, this is also where you are first shown a female character. Who is the main focus through out the clip. The women is shown in a long shot before the camera zooms in on her. This could represent that whatever/whoever is down in the basement with her has drawn all its attention to her. The camera then follows her from a behind angle, this could be showing how she is being followed by a non-visible being (spirit) or showing us what she sees through her eyes. As you see her walking forward different religious objects are being shown in the scene such as; crosses, candles and statues of Christ. This gives the idea of some sort of religious relations with the film, trying to het rid of evil spirits. Which would therefor fit in with the horror genre.


Further into the scene as the women is walking forward, still being tracked from a behind angle, you then see a young boy run out from behind a sheet laughing, however  the laughter does not seem to be coming from the boy as it echoes through the room suggesting how the boy may not be real. This creates tension as he comes from no where startling you as you watch. From the women's movements you can see she is frightened by what Is happening as you can hear diegetic sounds of her heavy breathing, also by the way she is looking around with very wide sharp eyes. As she paces around in circles looking for the young boy he then reappears along with other children. The children standing there have blood stains on their clothes, showing how they aren't actually alive, this creates a scary atmosphere in the scene as it makes you think something else it about to happen, as the scene is getting more tense as it goes on.

In the next part of the scene the women and dead children are shown in a medium long shot. The non-diegetic music in the background in becoming much more faster and high pitched, this creates tension as it has you on the edge waiting for something scary to happen. The children shown in the shot are all lined up, looking at the women but then all in sync turn their heads quickly staring in the same direction. This could suggest that the children are being controlled by something much more sinister than them and they look to it as their master. Or this could be the children warning the women of what is really dangerous, to try and prevent what happened to them from happening to her.

You then see the women uncover the mirror that the children were staring at. The non-diegetic music in the background almost disappears, suggesting that the evil is no longer around her relieving tension that had been built up. But then in a medium long shot you see a very dark figure start to appear walking behind the women. At this point the non-diegetic music is now being bought back in using very fast high sounds, making you expect something bad to happen very soon. The camera angle moves back and fourth between the mirror and behind the women. As the women can only see the figure in the mirror suggests that it is most likely a spirit, a sinister spirit more likely as it is dressed in dark clothing, portraying the idea of death.

The women's breathing becomes much more heavier by this point, when the women turns back round a close up is shown of the dark figure, giving a shocking effect as you aren't really expecting it. By then the spirit then begins to strangle the women links back to the children and portraying how it has been the cause of their deaths and they are the lives she has taken so far. By the demon trying to kill her could suggest that this is something the women try's to defeat. As she stays there and doesn't run away suggest that she could be used to seeing things such as these, maybe that it is her lifestyle that she deals with demonic spirits, which foreshadows the films storyline.